ATOM participat in Rotterdam Photo festival
ATOM participates in Rotterdam Photo.
“JAPONISM & Minimalism” using Echizen Japanese paper from ATOM’s work will be exhibited.
From May 18th – 22th.

ATOM participates in Rotterdam Photo.
“JAPONISM & Minimalism” using Echizen Japanese paper from ATOM’s work will be exhibited.
From May 18th – 22th.
ATOM’s works “JAPONISM & ZEN” was exhibited at the Chile photo festival held from 08/19 to 08/30.
Thank you for coming to customer.
ATOM’s works “JAPONISM & MINIMALISM” was exhibited at the French photo festival held from 07/29 to 07/31.
Thank you for coming to customer.
ATOM’s work “JAPONISM & MINIMALISM – KIMONO” won the Excellence Award at the Asian Art Museum.
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ATOM’s works “JAPONISM & MINIMALISM – KIMONO” will be exhibited at the Contemporary Artist Exhibition held from 04/01 to 04/06 at the Asian Art Museum.
please take a look.
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I was invited to CHAMBRE07 in France from 09/04/2020 to 9/11/2020.
I hope the exhibition will reach the hearts of French people.
I had you use it for the main visual.
Thank you for visiting Chanbre07.
ATOM’s work “Japonism & Minimalism” was introduced to dodho magazine.
Please check it
dodho magazine
I was invited to CHAMBRE07 in France from 09/06/2019 to 9/13/2019.
I hope the exhibition will reach the hearts of French people.
This time, JAPONISM & MINIMALISM will be exhibited.
Atom’s work “JAPONISM & MINIMALISM”, which was interviewed last month, was published in ART MAGAZINE “La frimeuse”.
Please check it
La frimeuse
ATOM’s work “Japonism & Minimalism” was introduced to Edge of Humanity Magazine.
Please check it
Edge of Humanity Magazine
ATOM’S artwork “JAPAONISM & MINIMALISM” was selected as the finalist of the portfolio award.
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It is displayed on the top page of WEB SITE of for July.
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NIKON 100周年記念作品に選ばれた作品で下記でも紹介された作品です。
MY MODERN MET(アメリカの現代アートを紹介するWEBサイト)
時間:平日10時30分~19時 土・日11時~17時
東京都中央区銀座1丁目2-4 4F 地図を見る
最寄駅:JR 有楽町駅 京橋口より 徒歩5分
地下鉄 銀座線 銀座駅より 徒歩5分
ATOM will hold a photo exhibition at Fuji Film in Ginza from Friday, June 8.
Please come by those who are nearby.
It is a work that was selected as a NIKON 100th anniversary work and also introduced below.
MY MODERN MET (WEB site introducing American contemporary art)
WEATHER CHANNEL (American television station)
20 minutos (Spanish, French, Swiss, European newspaper company)
Incredibilia (Italy)
Dates: Friday, June 8 – Thursday, June 14
Time: 10:30 to 19:00 on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 o’clock to 17 o’clock on weekdays
Location: Fuji Photo Gallery Ginza
1-2-4 4F Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN google map
Nearest station: 5 minutes by walk from JR Yurakucho station Kyobashi mouth
5 minutes by walkt from Ginza Station on the Ginza Subway line
TEL: +81 3-3538-9822
ATOM’s work “Wild Penguin” was introduced to incredibilia .
incredibilia is Italian media.
Please check it
ATOM’s work “Wild Penguin” was introduced to 20 minutos.
20minutos is Spanish newspaper
Please check it
20 minutos
ATOM’s work “Wild Penguin” was introduced to American TV station Weather Channnel.
Please check it
weather channel
ATOM’s work “Wild Penguin” was introduced to My Modern Met.
Please check it
My Modern Met
“Minimalism – Christmas tree”
“snow world”
“JAPONISME – HINOMARU – walking girl”
“snow world”
“JAPONISME – HINOMARU – dusk and girl”
“JAPONISME – HINOMARU – car passed girl”
Win 3 honorable mention at IPA 2017.
Title: cherry blossoms
Categories: Architecture : Historic
Title: Wat Arun
Categories: Nature / sunsets
Title: Beautiful Japan
Categories: Special : Travel/Tourism
From 20th October to 2nd November 2017, one work will be exhibited at “Blank Wall Gallery” (Blank Wall Gallery) in Athens, Greece.
It is displayed on the top page of WEB SITE of for October.
Read more
It was featured in Hong Kong magazine
It was published on 2 pages in Hong Kong magazine.
The contents of ATOM’s past activities and future direction are stated.
The following NIKON EUROPE (official channel) video will be broadcasted in Europe in the future.
I became a Sony professional photographer
I got a new work
Please check the bellow.
ATOM photos was introduced at the Russia’s website
Please check it
ATOM’s photo was featured at FACEBOOK in the “Salon Des Beaux Arts” hosted by the French National Art Association.
“Société nationale des beaux-art”
Please check it
Salon Des Beaux Arts
Owada Gallery
Shibuya Cultural Center Owada, 2nd fl
23-21 Sakura-gaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Open to public Feb 26 -28, 2017 11:00-19:00
We will participate in the opening celebration accordingly.
Feb 25, 2017 19: 00 – 21: 00
“2016 National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year Contest”editors’ favorite!!!
My photos have been picked up.
GALLERIES: Environmental Issues – WEEK 10
You can download for wallpaper.
Company name:Kobunsha Corporation of Japan
Title:「FLASH SPECIAL 2017 NewYear」
Release date:28/DEC/2016
Win 2nd Place at International Photogrphy Awards 2016.
Categories:Nature : Trees
Win a finalist at 11th Annual Black & White Spider Awards.
Title: Murusi Tribe
Categories: Portrait
Company name:Sansai books Corporation of Japan
Title:「I want to go by before I die! A scenic experience of the world」
Release date:05/Aug/2016
Company name:Kobunsha Corporation of Japan
Title:「FLASH SPECIAL 2016 summer」
Release date:29/JUL/2016
Win 2 honorable mention at PX3 2016.
Title: Giraffe
Categories: Press / Nature / Environmental
Title: sky explosion
Categories: Nature / sunsets
Win a 4 honorable mention at Moscow international Fotography Awards 2016.
Title: Nomad
Categories: Nature-Landscapes
Title: Kizhi Pogost
Categories: Architecture-Buildings
Categories: People-Culture
Title: EVERYday
Categories: People-Culture
Win 3rd Place at Moscow international Fotography Awards 2016.
Title: Deadvlei
Subcategory Winner: Nature-Sunset
Win a honorable mention and a finalist at 9th Annual International Color Awards.
Title: Today is Holiday
Categories: Wildlife
Title: Safari
Categories: Silhouette
Company name:Kobunsha Corporation of Japan
Title:「FLASH SPECIAL 2016 Early Spring」
Release date:26/Feb/2016
Win a honorable mention at International Photography Awards 2015.
Title: View from the Top of Mt Kilimanjaro
Categories:Special : Panoramic